ENTER & WIN! Free Coaching Giveaway

$28,367 Total Transformation Grand Prize Giveaway!!

One Grand Prize Winner.

10 Partial Scholarships.

  • 6 Months of 1:1 Nutrition & Strength Coaching FREE

  • Weekly Video Check-Ins for Feedback & Accountability

  • 24/7 Text Support with your Coach

  • Lifetime Access to the Fat Loss Forever Academy (my online self-paced course to never struggle with food or weight loss again

  • Lifetime Access to the ALL of my Resources, Guides, Trainings, Webinars, and Masterclasses

  • Monthly Recipe Packs

  • RESULTS THAT LAST (Priceless)

Win 6-Months of 1:1

Weight Loss Coaching for FREE!

Lose 20-40+ Pounds &

Make the "after" Photo Last Forever!

What Folks Are Saying About

The Transformation Project










Winner will be announced

Monday, August 19, @ 7pm CST

inside my

"Metabolism & Fat Loss Secrets

Facebook Group"

*ALL Winners will be contacted via text/email to claim prize.


"Burn the Belly"

Full Scholarship


  • 6 Months of 1:1 Nutrition & Strength Coaching FREE ($3,400 value)

  • Weekly Video Check-Ins for Feedback & Accountability

  • 24/7 Text Support with your Coach

  • Lifetime Access to the Fat Loss Forever Academy (my online self-paced course to never struggle with food or weight loss again - $997 value)

  • Lifetime Access to the ALL of my Resources, Guides, Trainings, Webinars, and Masterclasses

  • Monthly Recipe Packs

  • RESULTS THAT LAST (Priceless)

Prize Package Total- $4,397

Second Prize


"Burn the Belly"

Partial Scholarship


  • Partial Scholarship ($1,400 value)

  • Weekly Video Check-Ins for Feedback & Accountability

  • 24/7 Text Support with your Coach

  • Lifetime Access to the Fat Loss Forever Academy (my online self-paced course to never struggle with food or weight loss again - $997 value)

  • Lifetime Access to the ALL of my Resources, Guides, Trainings, Webinars, and Masterclasses

  • Monthly Recipe Packs

  • RESULTS THAT LAST (Priceless)

Prize Package Total- $2,397

What Is Relentless Pursuit Coaching...

If you're someone who has struggled with failed dieting attempts and feel like you've tried just about everything with little to show for it... and want to lose body fat, get leaner, more toned, feel confident in your own skin, and no longer obsess over food...

The "Burn the Belly" Scholarship is for you.

On average, you can expect to lose between 20-40+ pounds in our 6-Month MFL program. You also get to achieve these results without giving up the things you love most in life, and while feeling a total sense of confidence in maintaining your results after.


Phase 1

Metabolic Restoration

Making sure you're eating enough to fuel your metabolism so that your body feels safe letting go of unwanted body fat and altering body composition. This one step is often the missing piece for MOST people. We've found time and time again it helps our clients stay more consistent and produce better results.

Phase 2

Fat-Loss Acceleration

We will create the right plan with the right foods for you based on your goals, lifestyle, personal preferences and your dietary needs which will help reduce stress, improve mood, and make you feel more like yourself. Our philosophy is simple..if you're miserable throughout the process, the results won't be sustainable. We want you to live life on your terms while achieving the goals you desire.

Phase 3

Lifestyle Optimization

In this last and most important phase we implement what we call an ‘Exit Strategy’, you cannot alter body composition significantly and just go back to living life like you were before. That’s ultimately what causes people to having to start in the first place. We will restore your metabolism one last time to solidify your body composition and ensure you acquire the habits, skills, & knowledge to sustain these results on your own thereafter. Leaving you with a new found confidence and the ability to always be in control of your nutrition & fitness goals.

You will work directly aside your own 1:1 coach to guide you every step of the way and guarantee your results.

You will get weekly video check-ins, 24/7 text support, and Support Calls via Zoom twice per week.

Each week we look at your progress and make specific recommendations on what exactly to change or implement in the following.

We address the above items in the order that will make the most sense for you and your unique situation.

We make changes gradually and in a way that's easy to digest and implement, focusing on the right things at the right time.

What Folks Are Saying About

The Relentless Pursuit



What Folks Are Saying About


Pursuit Coaching




“I’m now starting to lift 4 days a week.. and I’m eating 2,800 calories.. 150 grams protein per day.. and getting leaner and leaner. I wanted to thank you for setting me up with such a good foundation. I wouldn’t be here without you! I’m soooo happy I worked with you.. you helped me change my relationship with food and my body.”

~ Jessica

“It’s insane.

When I hired you just a few months ago I was eating only 1100-1200 calories, working out 6-7 days a week, 1-2 days of cardio and hitting at least 10,000 steps.

Sleep was poor quality and only averaging 6ish hours and struggled with daytime fatigue, GERD, and constipation.


I don’t look like this everyday and I still have days where I really struggle with body image but SERIOUSLY I am up to 2100-2300 calories a day. OVER a THOUSAND increase calories.


I’m hitting PRs in the gym and actually had an emotional PR today while doing my Romanian deadlifts.


I’m 8 months out from a total hip replacement (43 years old) and never thought I’d be able to do body weight deadlifts ever again. Today I hit them, for 3 reps, with no pain.”

~ Susan

You’re a great coach who has really helped me start to build the “tool box” I need in life to manage a healthy lifestyle and for that I am grateful!

~ Kayle

“You have brought out a side of me I didn’t know existed. I’m only 20 and this probably the best I’ve felt in my life. I’ve never had so many compliments on my appearance than recently and it’s all your hard work and dedication. Much love for you. Feels good to start loving myself.”

~ Jake

"I had a pretty great conversation with my husband today. I told him I broke 29 lbs. He gave me knuckles and told me he was proud. He's my best cheerleader. Then he asked what my goal was.


I paused because for so long, my goal was 185. That's what I was in high school when I was much smaller than I am now. But as of later that number has been 200. I have no real reason for these numbers other than just wanting to be smaller. Not wanting to feel like the biggest girl in the room.


Today, during this conversation, I realized how much my mindset has shifted. Is it in my goal to lose weight and be smaller? Of course. Less weight overall means less weight on my knees and hips, which will only benefit me.


However, I realized that while I do want to lose weight, I no longer have a "goal weight." The goal is no longer to be as small as possible. The goal is to gain strength. To improve my mobility. To be able to get on and off the floor as easily as possible with my girls. The goal isn't about being small. It's about the health that comes with it. I'm no longer willing to sacrifice muscle and strength for the sake of being under 200 lbs.


I've always been a "big girl." I'm 5'10" with a big frame. Small isn't it for me.


So, what's my end goal? Health. Losing weight is just the extra credit.



~ Lauren

Relentless Pursuit Coaching LLC © 2024